#Sandy的英文小教室 的複本 的複本.png

I bet you must have watched the film named Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. It is the first instalment in the Harry Potter film series. 
Its story follows the main character, Harry's, first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as he accidentally discovers that he is a famous wizard and determined to begin his formal wizarding education.

#1.Harry and the Snake
It’s the first time Harry found that he may have a magic power. He can talk to a snake.

asleep 睡著
boring 無聊
Do you talk to people often? 你常跟人們說話嗎?
miss 想念
family 家庭
parents 父母

#2.Platform 9¾
準備好一 切後,哈利準備上火車了,可是...
Get all ready for Hogwarts School, Harry is about to get on the train. But how?

Sorry, Harry, I'm gonna have to leave you. 抱歉,哈利,我得丟下你了。
ticket 車票
Stick to your ticket. 拿好車票
mistake 錯誤
platform 月台
muggle 麻瓜(魔法世界稱呼沒有魔法的人們)
Good luck! 祝好運!

#3.A First Encounter
Harry met Hermione and Ron at the train to Hogwarts School. 

Do you mind? 介意嗎?
Everywhere else is full. 其它地方都滿了。
Not at all. 一點也不。
scar 傷疤
(a shopping) trolley (電車上的小販)手推車
Take the lot. 全部要了。
flavour 口味
peppermint (胡椒)薄荷
spell 魔咒
He's gone. 他不見了。
toad 蟾蜍
Pleasure! 幸會!
You two better change into your robes. 你們最好快換成長袍。
I expect we'll be arriving soon. 我想我們快到了!
dirt 灰塵、污漬

#4.The Sorting Ceremony
The sorting hats could split you into the right class. 

come forward 到前面來
diffucult 困難
Plenty of courage, I see. 勇氣滿滿,恩...
Not a bad mind, either. 還不壞的心智
There's talent, oh yes, and a thirst to prove yourself. 有才華,恩,急於證明自己
greatness 成功
doubt 懷疑

#5.First Quidditch Match Part 1-First Quidditch Match Part 2
Final match.

#6.It’s Leviosa, Not Leviosaaa!
One iconic magic class.

clever 聰明
Well done! 做得好!
feather 羽毛
professor 教授

#7.Happy Christmas, Harry and Ron
Happy Christmas!

present 禮物
in my possession 我保管
cloak 斗篷
invisibility 隱形
I am invisible. 我隱形了。
rare 稀少的


    創作者 @heydreambig 的頭像


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