

人工智慧面臨的瓶頸:晶片短缺(The big bottleneck for AI: a shortage of powerful chips

#新聞連結(News link)https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/06/tech/ai-chips-supply-chain/index.html

#學習點(Key Takeaways)

  1. consoles (n.) 泛指電玩,也等於video games,文章中用game consoles,泛指所有電玩。例句:The Nintendo Switch is my favourite (video game) console.
  2. reminiscent + of (adj.) 使記憶起,文章中提及晶片短缺的問題,不免讓人想起疫情期間的短缺問題,The problem may sound reminiscent of the pandemic-era shortages in popular consumer electronics...。例句:The photo album was reminiscent of her childhood.
  3. cryptocurrency (n.) 虛擬貨幣或稱a digital currency或a virtual currency,通常也簡稱crypto,crypto在拉丁字源裡代表秘密(secrets)的意義,可以聯想是秘密地或私底下交易的貨幣形式。
  4. unparalleled (adj.) 無人可以匹敵的,parallel是平行的意味,抽調平行的競爭對手,你就是霸主,同義字如exceptational或unrivaled。文章中Joshi提到Nvidia would experience “unparalleled” revenue growth in the coming quarters。
  5. disguise (v.) 偽裝,例句On Halloween I disguised myself by wearing a bird mask. 



文章中的第一句話(The crushing demand for AI has also revealed the limits of the global supply chain for powerful chips...),爆炸般的晶片需求,除了可以用The crushing demand來形容,我們也可以替換成 the exploding demand或the skyrocketing demand或the unrivaled demand,簡單來說就是a very high demand。

Q2:請問最後一句話A blessing in disguise是甚麼意思呢?

文章中的最後(This is going to be a blessing in disguise),此為片語用法,a blessing in disguise指原本看似悲慘的遭遇最後有了好的結果。就像整篇新聞充滿樂觀、正向、希望的結尾,縱使晶片短缺的問題短期內我們沒辦法解決,但是人類永遠都是充滿創造力的,也許可以帶領AI市場朝向不同的新方向也說不定。例句COVID-19 was a blessing in disguise. I was able to spend much more time with my family. 

#相關學習資源(Related learning resources)

How Nvidia Grew From Gaming To A.I. Giant, Now Powering ChatGPT: https://youtu.be/d3L2uPuxOxU

How ASML, TSMC And Intel Dominate The Chip Market | CNBC Marathon: https://youtu.be/2kJDTzFtUr4


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