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馬克·祖克伯和埃隆·馬斯克是兩位科技億萬富翁。 他們似乎同意以籠鬥方式會面。

Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are two tech billionaires. They seemingly agreed to face each other in a cage fight



The stakes for the potential clash were raised last month when Meta launched Threads, seen as a direct competitor to Twitter.


這場戰鬥被視為一場大型慈善活動,具有歷史意義。 然而,該活動不會在羅馬舉行。

The fight is seen to be a large charitable and historically evocative event. However, the event won’t be in Rome.



Let’s learn!


a cage fight (n.) 籠鬥

  • 定義:一種綜合武術的形式,指兩個人在籠子或類似籠子的區域中相互格鬥。
  • Definition: a form of mixed martial arts in which two people fight against each other in a cage or an area similar to a cage.
  • 例句:籠鬥在現今被廣泛稱為綜合格鬥。
  • Example: Cage fighting is more popularly known as mixed martial arts (MMA) in the modern day.


stream (v.) 串流、直播

  • 定義:直接從網路或電腦上收聽音檔或觀看影片,而不是先下載下來。
  • Definition: to listen to or watch sound or video on a computer directly from the internet rather than downloading it and saving it first.
  • 例句:上周馬斯克寫道,這場可能的對決將會在X平台(以前稱為推特)上同步直播。
  • Example: Last week, Musk wrote that the possible showdown would be streamed on X, formerly known as Twitter.


charity (n.) 慈善

  • 定義:給生病、貧窮或無家可歸的人免費提供金錢、食物等幫助的人或組織。
  • Definition: a system of giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home, or any organization that has the purpose of providing money or helping in this way.
  • 例句:馬克·祖克伯做了很多慈善工作。
  • Example: Mark Zuckerberg does a lot of work for charity.
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