
傑·謝帝(生於1987年,35 歲)是一位英國的故事講述者、播客,曾是一名僧侶。他的願景是讓智慧廣為人知
Jay Shetty (born in 1987, age 35) is a British storyteller, podcaster, and former monk. Shetty’s vision is to make wisdom go viral.
Drawing on ancient wisdom and his own rich experiences in the ashram, Think Like a Monk reveals how to overcome negative thoughts and habits, and access the calm and purpose that lie within all of us.
I absolutely love the book. It simplified a complex and abstract mindset of how to live a wealthy and happy life into a practical and straightforward step by step approach
If you want to elevate your mental wellbeing and live a life on purpose. This is the best book for you. 
Some key takeaways listed below for your reference. Hope you like it!
Go buy the book now(Books.com.tw), you won’t regret it.

Everyone has a psychophysical nature which determines where they flourish and thrive. Dharma is using this natural inclination, the things you’re good at, your thrive mode, to serve others. 

psychophysical (adj.)心理和身體上的
determine (v.)決定
flourish (v.)茁壯成長
thrive (v.)繁榮
Dharma (n.)梵語法(本篇翻譯真正的自我)
inclination (n.)傾向
serve (v.)服務

You should feel passion when the process is pleasing and your execution is skillful. And the response from others should be positive, showing that your passion has a purpose. This is the magic formula for dharma.

passion (n.)熱情
process (n.)過程
plessing (adj.)令人愉悅的
execution (n.)執行、實施
skillful (adj.)充滿技巧的
response (n.)回應
positive (adj.)正向的
purpose (n.)目的或使命
formula (n.)公式
expertise (n.)專業
usefulness (n.)有用

If we’re only excited when people say nice things about our work, it’s a sign that we’re not passionate about the work itself. And if we indulge our interests and skills, but nobody responds to them, then our passion is without purpose. If either piece is missing, we’re not living our dharma.

The truth is 
You can’t be anything you want.
But you can be everything you are.

Quadrants of Potential

I.skill but no passion II.skill and passion
III.no skill and no passion IV.no skill but passion

Question: how can we move more of our time and energy toward section two - doing things we are good at and I love?

sign (n.)跡象
indulge (v.)放縱、縱容
quadrant (n.)象限
potential (n.)潛力
energy (n.)能量

Meditation: visualise
Often the mental pictures we have form simply form the repetition of an activity rather than because we have chosen them. Visualisation can be used to intentionally turn a moment into a memory. Use this visualisation to create a memory or to capture joy, happiness and purpose. It can also be used to deeply connect with an old memory, returning to a time and place when you felt joy, happiness and purpose. If you are creating a memory, keep your eyes open. If you are reconnecting, then close them.

meditation (n.)冥想
visualise (v.)想像
repetition (n.)重複
intentionally (adv.)有意地
capture (v.)抓住

It’s hard to believe that thankfulness could actually have measurable benefits but the science is there. Gratitude has been linked to better mental health, self-awareness, better relationships and a sense of fulfilment.

measurable (adj.)可測量的、顯著的
benefit (n.)利益、好處
gratitude (n.)感恩
mental (adj.)心理的
self-awareness (n.)自我意識
fulfilment (n.)滿足

Last but not least, be kinder to yourself. And then let your kindness flood the world.


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