#Sandy的英文小教室 (1).png


The first step is the only difficulty. How to remember TOEIC basic vocabularies in just 30 days?


Reading vocabulary book lists is extremely boring. How to memorize TOEIC words efficiently?


After reading all the vocabularies of a chapter, write an essay on your own. 


Then, you can not only learn how to read, pronounce a new word but also make a sentence out of it. How efficient!


#1.如何應徵一份工作?(How do I apply for a job?)

First, you have to do a quick self review to see if you meet all the requirements of the position, such as the degree, the qualification and the certification. Second, you need to submit your resume to HR. Last, be patient and wait for an interview invitation. 

word(單字) type(詞性)、Chinese(中文)
apply+for (v.)申請
job (occupation,profession) (n.)工作
meet (satisfy, fulfill) (v.)滿足、符合
requirement (criteria) (n.)條件
position (n.)職位
degree (n.)學位
qualification (n.)資格
certification (certificate) (n.)證書
submit (hand in,send in) (v.)交出
resume (CV) (n.)履歷
interview (n.)面試

#2.如何在面試時,展現自信?(How to be confident in an interview?)

I am Amy, age 26. I have a master's degree from Stanford University, majoring in education. I am confident in my abilities. You can simply refer to the recommendation letter from my previous supervisor. You will be impressed. Also, I am proficient in both Chinese and English. I used to specialize in translation. If you do recruit me, you won’t regret it.

word(單字) type(詞性)、Chinese(中文)
confident+in (adj.)有信心的
refer+to (v.)參考
recommendation (n.)推薦
supervisor (n.)主管
impressed (adj.)感到印象深刻的
proficient+in (adj.)精通
specialize+in (v.)專攻
recruit (v.)招募

#3.你怎麼看台灣的青年失業?(What is your point of view on youth unemployment in Taiwan? )

I feel apprehensive. I read an article from Taipei Times. “An analysis of the reasons for the difficulty in finding a job shows that 54.46 percent of younger Taiwanese are unemployed because there are no job opportunities, while about 25 percent could not find the kind of job they wanted and about 25 percent could not find a job that met their salary expectations.” The percentages are higher than we could ever imagine. My point of view is that the government should provide the youth with appropriate education and training so that they could meet the criteria of the job market. Being an expert of a certain field and you won’t be laid off or fired

word(單字) type(詞性)、Chinese(中文)
unemployment (n.)失業
apprehensive (adj.)擔憂的
salary (wage, paycheck) (n.)薪資
train (v.)訓練
lay off (v.)資遣
fire (v.)開除

本篇靈感參考(暢銷書籍全新!新制多益 TOEIC 單字大全 :備考多益唯一推薦權威單字書!不論題型如何變化,內容持續更新,常考字彙表達完全掌握,準確度最高!(附音檔下載QR碼))。

The inspiration of the article is from the book(Books.com.tw).



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