#Sandy的英文小教室 (2).png


The first step is the only difficulty. How to remember TOEIC basic vocabularies in just 30 days?


Reading vocabulary book lists is extremely boring. How to memorize TOEIC words efficiently?


After reading all the vocabularies of a chapter, write an essay on your own. 


Then, you can not only learn how to read, pronounce a new word but also make a sentence out of it. How efficient!



#1.你公司有服裝規定嗎?(Do you have a dress code at your company?)
I am concerned about my attire for work. It will severely affect my performance review at the end of the year, no exception. I must adhere to the company’s policies. Refrain myself from dressing too comfy. I remembered the company banned nail polish last summer. All departments must enforce the ban. I don't know whether it has been abolished or not. I have to figure it out.

word(單字) type(詞性)、Chinese(中文)
code (n.)規範
concerned (worried) (adj.)擔心的
attire (n.)服裝
severely (adv.)嚴格地
affect (influence) (v.)影響
exception (n.)例外
adhere+to (comply with, observe, obey) (v.)遵守
policy (law>act>legislation>regulation>rule>standard) (n.)政策
refrain+from (restrict+to, limit+to) (v.)克制、抑制
ban (v.)禁止、(n.)禁令
enforce (v.)執行、實施
abolish (v.)廢除

#2.如何寫核准信?(How to write an email to ask for permission?)

I am writing to ask if you would allow me to access the stadium for the purpose of our school’s 90th sports day. I plan to hold this event in late August, and expect over a thousand guests and staff to be in attendance. 

Please refer to the attachment for more details and reply to this email with your answer, whether positive or negative. Thank you very much for your time, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

word(單字) type(詞性)、Chinese(中文)
permission (approval) (n.)允許
access (v.)使用
staff (n.)員工
refer (v.)參考
positive (adj.)正面的
negative (adj.)負面的
contact (v.)聯絡

3.如何下放工作任務?(How to delegate tasks?)
Delegating tasks and empowering your employees to take change are important. You can’t constantly work overtime and receive compensation. The performance of a team is not your obligation. Change your habit and set a time limit on your work hours. According to Labor Standards Act in Taiwan, the regular working time of workers may not exceed eight hours a day nor 40 hours a week. You can even suggest your supervisor to revise thorougly regarding the overtime rule. Strictly prohibit staff including yourself from overworking. Learn how to delegate tasks now. You will get more work done in less time.

word(單字) type(詞性)、Chinese(中文)
delegate (mandate, authorize, empower) (v.)授權、委派
constantly (adv.)持續地、不斷地
compensation (n.)賠償金
obligation (n.)義務、責任
habit (n.)習慣
limit (n.)限制
according to (phr.)根據
act (n.)法案、法令
revise (v.)修訂、變更
thoroughly (adv.)徹底地、完全地
prohibit+from (forbid +from/to) (v.)禁止

本篇靈感參考(暢銷書籍全新!新制多益 TOEIC 單字大全 :備考多益唯一推薦權威單字書!不論題型如何變化,內容持續更新,常考字彙表達完全掌握,準確度最高!(附音檔下載QR碼))。

The inspiration of the article is from the book(Books.com.tw).



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